Fibromyalgia Co-Conditions: Are You at Risk For Erectile Dysfunction

While many of you are scratching your heads; others understand the frustration of Erectile Dysfunction or [ED]. The truth is while only 10% of patients with Fibromyalgia are men many suffer each day with this condition without talking about it. Men often grow quiet with their complaints of Fibromyalgia simply because its not acceptable for them to show their suffering. Additionally a problem like ED can be embarrassing or unacceptable for a man.

ED can be a warning sign from your body letting you and your physician know there could be a underlaying condition more serious. Although ED is not a fatal many conditions associated with ED can cause serious complications or even death. Getting checked and asking questions when the problem arises can stop other conditions such as Heart Disease, Atherosclerosis, High Blood pressure and many others from getting worse. Many patients with Diabetes have developed ED as a result. Erectile Dysfunction is cause when there is a lack of blood flow to the penis. Poor circulation throughout the body can be associated with these conditions.

The effects of ED takes a great toll and cause stress levels to shoot through the roof. Stress can cause complications and worsen symptoms in conditions like Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, as well as cause Heart Attacks. We want you to know you are not alone. Thousands of men each year struggle to add spice to their love lives despite their conditions. Treatments are available to assist with this condition. As I am sure many of you have seen the ads convincing you to buy viagra or other treatments, maybe you had questions and where not sure how to handle them?

I have stumbled upon a new guide to assist you with determining which medications are right for you. The guide is a way to get your questions answered without waving the proverbial red flags while looking for a treatment.

The Ed guide can give you the some peace of mind, and provide you with constant information on the latest ED news best of all its free and private. ED Guide-Great source for F.A.Q; Pharmacies, Drug Treatments, and first hand experience in their forums.


Information for treatments like:





Natural Enzyte

Herbal Provigrax

So next time you have difficulty and have questions go to They will provide you with all the information you can handle…and no one even has to know…