Will We Ever Enjoy a Night on the Town? Coping with Fibromyalgia

Many of our families have issues dealing with Fibromyalgia. We know about hardships and family trials when it comes to chronic pain disorders. It is often difficult for us to understand what they are going through or even see the guilt they are experiencing.

Our children and spouses don’t always understand why “Mom is always sick” or “why dad can’t make it too that ball game” so it is up to us to help get them educated. There are several places that hold support groups for families of those who suffer from chronic pain disorders. There are also many places Online your family can find information about chronic pain disorders.

Below is a listing of resources to get you and your family started:

National Institute of Arthritis and Muscular-skeletal and skin diseases

Pro Health

Friends with Fibro

American Chronic Pain Association

It is important that you understand that its not your fault. Working on dealing with the illness together as a family can make you stronger. Realizing that you all are entitled to your own feeling, opinions, and vents will help you become more united and stress free.

Remember we all are effected by the illness, whether you are the one suffering, the child with a sick mother, or the spouse feeling neglected and each persons feelings need to be considered. Keep in mind that it is not the end of the world and you will for a night on the town again!


Until next time take it one day at a time!